Friday, October 17, 2008

Something not very many people know about me

Something that many poeple don't know about me is that I'm very stubborn. Many poeple think I'm the nicest person and can never say no!, but if I see something not going my way or how I want it, than I wont do it or I would act like you never said anything to me. I love how poeple think I'm so nice, because when they ask me to do something for them it supprises them when I say "No!".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Worst Thing a Parent Can Do To Their Child!!!

The worst thing I believe a parent can do to their child is tell them" I wish I never had you!". Then after telling your child that neglect them or miss treat them. That's the worst thing you can possibly do to your child, because you shouldn't blame a child for the misstakes that you made. No matter what was going on in your life. I believe weither it was a misstake or not, you should never stop loving and caring for your child. To me a child can be a gift, almost like the best thing that could possibly happen in your life. Telling your child that could effect their mental and physical abilities through-out their lifes. You have to be carefull, because your child could grow-up hating the world and wanting to blow things up, kill poeple, harm their selves, or anything much worst than that. So that's what I believe the worst thing a parent can do to their child.