Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Worst Thing a Parent Can Do To Their Child!!!

The worst thing I believe a parent can do to their child is tell them" I wish I never had you!". Then after telling your child that neglect them or miss treat them. That's the worst thing you can possibly do to your child, because you shouldn't blame a child for the misstakes that you made. No matter what was going on in your life. I believe weither it was a misstake or not, you should never stop loving and caring for your child. To me a child can be a gift, almost like the best thing that could possibly happen in your life. Telling your child that could effect their mental and physical abilities through-out their lifes. You have to be carefull, because your child could grow-up hating the world and wanting to blow things up, kill poeple, harm their selves, or anything much worst than that. So that's what I believe the worst thing a parent can do to their child.

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