Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who Kno Ya Gurl Best???

I believe that the one person that knows me best is my mother. She knows everything from my emotional appearance to my physical appearance. It maybe just a mothers' intuition or something because how else would she ever know things like that? Since I don't stay with my mother it's always weird how she knows so much. When I don't talk to her for days and have a problem or situation an need that motherly attention it's like she already know when to call. Yep, my mom knows it all it doesnt suprise me though because she's always there for me even when I don't want her to be! I love what she does, and how she can understand me better than anyone. My mom is the best! Although she thinks I'm a couple of marbles short she tell does what she does cause she knows me the best!!!


Mzs.Pezzy said...

thats crazy pepole fight don't matter how lame,goffy or stuped they are.

MR$ T!LLM@N said...

i think thats so sweet awww.